Monday, March 21, 2011


I am working on being more positive. I can complain a lot, and I realized that I need to stop!!!!

So, here I go to being more positive!

School has been busy, lots of tests and assignments coming up. But the feeling you get when you have finished your test knowing that your have done your best is awesome! So, that is what I am loving about this week.

I am watching my parents dogs right now and they are CRAZY!! But they are cute!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break

Last week was my spring break. It was so relaxing! I read 2 books, that had nothing to do with school, and it was awesome! :)
I read Linger by Maggie Stiefvater, the second book in a trilogy.
I also read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson.
Both were very intriguing and there were times where I could not put the books down.

But now I'm back to reality (oh there goes gravity), sorry for the Eminem shoutout hahaha.

School started back today and man, am I feeling it!!!! Already back to the homework (which was expected). I hate how being away from school for a week makes me not want to go back.

Anyways, I want to challenge my readers (the very few) to keep a personal journal. A journal where you can put your innermost feelings. I can tell you that having a place to write out your feelings can really help you sort them out. I mean, a blog is great, but I don't post my innermost feelings on it because everyone can read it! You don't have to write in it everyday, but when you do write in it, it is very therapeutic.

ps. I'm sorry if I use too many commas, I have never been good at grammar or stuff like that. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


3 weeks in a row!!

And also, can I just say that I love Bryan Nicholas Seaborn with all my heart.

Man. I do. And also, I miss all my friends in Utah...I really want to see them!!!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monday night FHE!

So, Bryan and I have been working on doing Family Home Evenings on Monday nights, and we have not been perfect, BUT, we have done it like 2 weeks in a row now! haha. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but, for us it kinda is.

I can tell you that it brings the Spirit in to your home, and makes the night feel completely different. :) I love FHE!!!!

Also, Bryan was in Vegas last week for work, and just left again this morning. So, I am feeling kind of alone. But it is okay, I will be hanging out with my beautiful family until Bryan gets back!!

So, for FHE, I had the lesson. I read from 1 Corinthians 16: 8-12.
Give it a look, because it made me realize that the Lord's hand is in everything we do, and that we need to continuously thank Him.

That is all for now!